Tuesday 9 September 2014

Reach's presentations | by Tama

Tears were one step away from my eyes; I was grinning like an idiot. All the people were staring at me. I pressed play; I shut my eyes and blocked my ears. 1 2 3. Time ticked as slowly as a turtle. After what seemed like forever, it stopped. I opened one eye; people were clapping. Maybe this stuff wasn't so bad.


I wasn't actually sharing; well, it's complicated. I was playing a Puppet Pals video about navigation, instead of actually sharing, but one thing was sure, all those things were true.

It was about compasses, maps, stars, and one of the most famous people in history, Captain Cook.

I really enjoyed other people's, so thank you George, Tim, and any other person from Reach who is reading this.

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