Monday 1 December 2014

Rongoā Māori | by Saoirse

M13 has been investigating Rongoā Māori. Arihia is an expert with Rongoā Māori. She has been teaching them. Arihia taught them a legend about kawakawa leaves and why they are shaped like hearts. The story is that Papatuanuku and Ranginui got split up so Tane covered his mum with plants and one of them was the kawakawa leaves. He shaped them into hearts to calm her down.


When harvesting leaves, always say an important karakia:
         He mihi ki a Papa
         He mihi ki a Rangi
         He mihi ki a Tane
         Tihei Mauri Ora!
but if there are fallen ones you can take them without saying the karakia. However you can’t make the same medicine with the dried ones.


You can make balm with kawakawa leaves as well as tea. Since it is shaped like a heart, you can remember that it’s good for your body, tummyaches, headaches, skin diseases, boils, and toothaches because it numbs your mouth.

I enjoyed learning about this. I recommend Rongoā Māori to people who love nature.

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