Wednesday, 29 October 2014

William Kentridge's In Refusal of Time at the City Gallery

Here's a sneak preview of the William Kentridge work The Refusal of Time that we're going to see at the City Gallery next week...


Today we began learning about percussion, rhythm and beat, by learning this sāsā.

See if you can keep up!

Leader & all: Milli milli milli .....
Leader: Patia
Leader: Lua Pati
Leader: Hey hey
All: Hooooo
Leader: Mumai
All: Moo
Leader: Ata mai
All: Ah
Leader: Ita mai
All: Iiiiiiii
Leader: Totala fa
(*** *** *)
1 2 3 4 (turn 1/4) shu!

Leader: Tulolo nofo!

Leader: Sauni!

Thursday, 23 October 2014

I-time question questions

Today we started planning our next I-time projects. I-time is a time to research questions we are interested in, and to develop a learner skill (like researching, collaborating, thinking, communicating, managing self, etc.). We are trying out using some questions that Yoram Harpaz developed for use in Israeli Communities of Thinking schools to help refine our research questions. We added some of our own questions, and adapted some of his:

What sparked your interest in that question?
What do you mean by _____?
What are your initial ideas about the answer to that question?
Are you and your buddy in agreement?
What other possibilities might be worth checking or looking in to?
How do you think you might go about researching that question?
Why are you asking a question to which you know the answer?
Who do you think might benefit from an answer to your question?
Is your question open or closed?
Do you think you’ll actually learn anything from that since you already know a lot about that topic?

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Rongoa Maori workshop - Kawakawa oil infusion with Rongoa expert Arihia

Today Arihia, an Enviroschools Rongoā expert, came and ran some Rongoā Māori workshops for us in the learning hub. After learning about the stories of Ranginui and Papatuanuku being separated in the beginning, and Tane Mahuta covering his mother with forest, we learned about saying a karakia before harvesting leaves for Rongoā Māori. 

Then we learned about the healing properties of kawakawa and other leaves...

Stay tuned for more blogposts explaining what we learned today!

Friday, 17 October 2014

blog visitors

Check out how many visitors we've had to our blog this year...


Tote tray construction | Thursday 23rd October | Can you help us?!

our creative 
tote trays

On Thursday 23 October, M13 are attaching tote trays to their desks so they can store their books underneath their desks. We were wondering if the parents/caregivers could come and help us attach them.

Avie has helped us to create some clever designs so the tote trays slot under our desks without getting in the way of our knees, using drawer sliders from Bunnings and wood.

Please email Amy <> if you could come and help on Thursday!

from Ella, Joe, and M13 

Here's a prototype:

Newsletter (paper copy coming home on Monday)

M12, M13 & M14 City Art Gallery Visits
 The Refusal of Time - William Kentridge installation

We are very excited to have the opportunity to visit the City Art Gallery to experience a spectacular five-channel video work that combines the magic of theatre, film, sculpture, drawing, music and dance, a collaboration with Philip Miller, Catherine Meyburgh and Peter Galison.
 This term our syndicate is participating in ‘percussion workshops’ and we are looking forward to being inspired by the metronome and music of the film.

The following classes will visit on different dates:
M13: Tuesday 4th November at 9.05am – 12.00pm
M12: Wednesday 5th November at 9.05am – 12.00pm
M14: Thursday 6th November at 9.05am – 12.00pm

The cost is $10 per child to cover the bus and workshop. Please return your permission slip and payment by Friday the 24th October and let us know if you would like to join us as a parent helper.

Nga mihi,

Adele, Ximena, and Amy

I give permission for ……………………………………………. to go on  the class visit to The City  Art Gallery on……………………………………………… I have enclosed a payment of $10.00.

I can /can not offer parent help ……………………………………………………… (Name)

Contact phone:………………………………………………………………………………

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Hackschooling Day 3

Our morning reflection:

What’s gone well?
What’s been a challenge?
In future…
Changing our tote tray system

No one’s been in yellow all week because the kids are in charge

The Rainbow people could put kids in yellow if they’re talking
Sorting our the classroom
because it all happened really quickly, everyone was on to it

Super-long conversations when we’re making decisions – too long waiting for our turn on the mat
·   Say the person’s name before you pass them the Talking Mouse.
·   Once we’ve made a decision, we’ve made a decision (we have to accept it).
·   We could start our class hui again and make decisions once a week (with a notice board for ideas)
·   Try not to go off on tangents
·   Try to solve problems quickly
·   Be quiet, listen to each other and it’ll be faster
Fitness because we’ve fitted it in each day

When we were tidying up, the mess was getting a bit overlooked and the class got really messy

Our class has worked has a really good team because everyone’s helped each other

People are ringing the bell too often to get the class’ attention
This should be the Rainbow person’s job
Think do I actually need to ring the bell? before you ring the bell

Some people change the noise level because they feel like it
This should be the Rainbow person’s job – if someone else is finding the noise level a problem, they should tell the Rainbow Person

It’s been hard to adjust to smaller tote trays
Choose a red tote tray

It’s been hard to adjust to all the decisions

Taking the roll in the morning takes too long
Could we all sit at our desks so we don’t waste time?

Packing/tidying up took too long (20 minutes)
·   Tidy up quicker
·   Don’t make such a big mess in the first place

Aliya, Laila, Eve, Niamh
Breea, Lola. Tama, Jamieson
Jamie, Brendan, Nolan, Harry
Weekly learning timetable
Teacher creates a plan with Must dos and Can dos – we can do that at any time we like in the day, we just have to get everything done

We should choose when we eat, not play

We should have workshops for all learning areas – kids could run them

Some could learn in the REACH style
karakia etc
morning tea
tidy up
afternoon: inquiry, golden time
Library/ books system
We should all bring our own books to share so we can have new books in our class

We could have recommendations for books

Longer library visits, fewer visits

Organise books according to the size of the books
Decide how to decide!
Vote in a class hui

Amy should get the class’ attention when kids want to say something to the class

1. Vote
2. Split up and talk
3. Noticeboard
4. Class hui
5. Groups, then convince other people to your side
6. People vote by convincing people
7. Teacher decides
8. Rainbow people decide
9. Will it be fair?
10.             Is it more efficient? Why/Why not?
Learning buddies
Change seats but have no learning buddies

We don’t need learning buddies – kids should just move around if they want to. We should sit in our seat permanently.
If we choose our own LB we’ll just choose a friend, If we go by the pattern we’ll always be with our friends.

Luca, Dot, Saoirse, Francesca, Peta
Jet, Noah, Mahinaz, Sofia
Joe, Cody, Meline, Ella
Weekly learning timetable
We should all do the same subject at the same time – we can work independently on games then Amy can work with us one at a time or in groups
Different workshops for writing, maths, reading that kids can sign up for. If kids want to write at maths time, they can.
Kids can learn different subjects at different times during the day.

Workshops with Amy/ work independently
Like Nolan’s group
When we do maths – some people could stay with Amy and others could learn independently. When independent workers come back they could share their learning and discuss the process
Kids could run workshops for each other
Workshops for maths/ writing/ reading – kids could suggest workshop topics
Afternoons: research hackschooling and do Inquiry
Library/ books system
We shouldn’t move the bookshelf because it’s in a good place – there isn’t a better place to move it to.
New reading books – school fair money or kids could buy some at the school fair because lots of people have read the books that are there.
New books more regularly
Get new books every 2 weeks (from the school library) so everyone has a chance to read the old books
When you’ve finished with a library book, you could share it around.
Inquiry book box
We could write our own stories and put them on the library shelf
Decide how to decide!
Class hui once or twice a week

Class hui once or twice a week
Learning buddies
Choose your own because we know who we can work well with